Examples of GOP Leadership

ok you'll notice in the fist picture, Pete's email addies ok, the one addy that stand out is the .ru(which is russian fyi), if you follow that it goes to a phone number to a supposed burner phone in the last pic, notice the #7 that is also Russian....so imho Pete needs to resign

p.s i scratched out the passwords just fyi
i have serious question on why Hegseth has a russian email address and phone.....

beard scratcher......
A vulnerability forced upon him or done in his name - or perhaps his ‘Kremlin bones’?

Whatever, this guy/posse/organization have gone too far, we should have caught a clue from The Manchurian Candidate & realized some would certainly try something adjacent to it eventually, leading directly to the Manchurian “Republicans”…to whom we’ve literally given the keys to Fort Knox so recently

You can’t spin this, any of this, as reasonable acts of reasonable people…the most flagrant display of public stupidity available anywhere. They seem actually UNABLE to believe the evidence of real life & real experience, or show even perfunctory interest in obvious illegality
Corruption is a feature of authoritarianism, not a bug. Russia is a prime example of a kleptocracy. Is why Putin could be even richer than Musk. But, ya, it sure seems like where things are headed, with Musk the pig, feeding at the trough of government money.
A vulnerability forced upon him or done in his name - or perhaps his ‘Kremlin bones’?

Whatever, this guy/posse/organization have gone too far, we should have caught a clue from The Manchurian Candidate & realized some would certainly try something adjacent to it eventually, leading directly to the Manchurian “Republicans”…to whom we’ve literally given the keys to Fort Knox so recently

You can’t spin this, any of this, as reasonable acts of reasonable people…the most flagrant display of public stupidity available anywhere. They seem actually UNABLE to believe the evidence of real life & real experience, or show even perfunctory interest in obvious illegality
Maybe it's as simple as all the MAGA republicans have adopted the 3 rules Roy Cohn lived by and mentored TFG with; always attack, never admit wrongdoing, and always claim victory, even if defeated. Its obviously a nutbar way to go about life, but when youre in the cult, you follow the leader, or get punted.
A vulnerability forced upon him or done in his name - or perhaps his ‘Kremlin bones’?

Whatever, this guy/posse/organization have gone too far, we should have caught a clue from The Manchurian Candidate & realized some would certainly try something adjacent to it eventually, leading directly to the Manchurian “Republicans”…to whom we’ve literally given the keys to Fort Knox so recently

You can’t spin this, any of this, as reasonable acts of reasonable people…the most flagrant display of public stupidity available anywhere. They seem actually UNABLE to believe the evidence of real life & real experience, or show even perfunctory interest in obvious illegality
Manchurian Candidate has crossed my mind several times w/Trump, a classic "USEFUL IDIOT" installed and perpetrated by dark forces, how the hell else to explain this incredibly flawed,compromised clown sitting in the big seat. I hate conspiracy theory but how else to explain a man whose qualification for the job would have had his candidacy down in flames after Iowa in the America I've always known. I can't dwell on how actually FKD America is w/ a 80 y/o, ignorant,impulsive,void of empathy,narcissist in constant need of praise w/a background containing more red flags than those circling the UN, it all defies conventional logic. Even a comparably grounded man like myself has to wonder if the fix is in.
ok you'll notice in the fist picture, Pete's email addies ok, the one addy that stand out is the .ru(which is russian fyi), if you follow that it goes to a phone number to a supposed burner phone in the last pic, notice the #7 that is also Russian....so imho Pete needs to resign

p.s i scratched out the passwords just fyi
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Under ANY adm. other than the boy/king Waltz,Gabbard, and Hegseth are TOAST, The sheer hypocrisy of the R party vis a vis Hillary's servers and Afghanistan and their dogged pursuit of heads to roll,WHERE IS IT NOW?? If the Houthis had any semblance of a modern air defense and intell. capacity wives of brave pilots may have gotten the visit no wife ever wants. The sheer arrogance and entitlement of this cabinet and the well worn Trump tactic to attack Goldberg and blame HIM for their breathtaking inadequacies is sickeningly typical. Goldberg showed more patriotism over this than ANY of these coat tail riders.ONLY 3 yrs. and 10 months to go, AND if these desperados go bye-bye WHO the hell is in store as replacements? And will this actually jolt the R's who vet replacements to actually grow a pair?