Y Y yooniball Apr 23, 2013 hey you say you get units at 1800-2000 for top shelf for indoor? may i ask what area you reside? i would love to move there!!
hey you say you get units at 1800-2000 for top shelf for indoor? may i ask what area you reside? i would love to move there!!
C C Chartreuse Spruce Apr 14, 2013 No, I don't know you. I was just requesting everyone be my friend that was on the list of last 10 people to go to my page.
No, I don't know you. I was just requesting everyone be my friend that was on the list of last 10 people to go to my page.
C C Cali Grass Jun 8, 2012 Nah haha my homie's from Pollock Pines and sometimes we head up there cause they party a lot harder than these pussies. hahah I live near San Jo
Nah haha my homie's from Pollock Pines and sometimes we head up there cause they party a lot harder than these pussies. hahah I live near San Jo