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  • Yo Ipiria they both lookin good; your pheno's better. Thinking about adding a couple more 2700k to the mix; those metal reflectors with the clamps. also check the new weed nerd
    Haha story of my life bro. Grew TD for my first grow. Never again! I should throw up picks from that grow. Can't wait to try my TGA gear!
    http://asset2.rollitup.org/misc/quote_icon.png Originally Posted by largebifftahttp://asset2.rollitup.org/buttons/viewpost-right.pngworst strain ive ever grown Tangerine dream.. NEVER AGAIN .......

    Never saw 1 positive grow on this strain.........LOL

    Another cup winning bust!

    RIGHT!!!! It was my very first Cup winner grow that left me feeling like a shitty gardener haha...then it was followed by Lost Coast OG and Trainwreck which blew it out of the water.

    Sounded too familiar haha... Next time though, can't wait to see sub's gear flourish!
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