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  • hey 2cimdma, i was always wondering about the one pot.. are you able to msg.. HUGE fan of the youtube video! :))
    hi i have mnedical condition causes mer alot of pain. coming off 75 micrograms of fent patch and need a replacement. can u help with vendor or someone who can help with opiote synths
    Hi 2cimdma im new to this site and am interested in synthetic opioids and mdma was wondering if you knew of any sites that were more specifically involved in this stuff
    Reluctant to provide you with contact email until I know you are still active it appears you have been offline for several months. If you are still running please respond so I can give you a contact email.
    Not sure if you vend on tor market places would be interested in chatting with you on PGP chat which I am hoping you have. Also friend requested you.
    Im very interested in acetylfent for research or any analogue like it! Shoot me a msg back. Keep it up! Always like to see a ma using his brain!
    Hey bud I saw your thread about acetylfentanyl, I've got 250mg right now, I was told to shoot it using white vinegar, or liquid vitamin c, do you know a better way by any chance? Also if you're interested in selling some bromadol or acetylfentanyl I'm always looking for more, email me at m3trigun at gmail.com thanks!
    Hey I was looking to get some trans bromadol you seem like a legitimate source besides these bullshit urls. Please let me know if you could help me acquire some. I'm aware of the potency and have taken precaution measures

    hi i from ireland bro gona plant some poppys in spring outside also gona grow some weed inside soon if i need some advice will u help me ..u really know wat u are doing and by the judge of ur posts u sound like a dead on chap ..ur work is really fuckn class ..hope to here from u bro ....cheers:)
    Haha hell yeah man thanks for the help I'll post some pics when they are gettin bigger the seeds just started to open about 2 days ago and they are Bout a quarter inch tall. Can wait to watch them grown and enjoy te finished product. Do you personally like the refined gum that you make or the straight scrapings from the pod?
    Hey man iv been reading every word of your poppy thread and am extremely interested iN growing I ordered 500 Persian whit and 500 Tasmanian as I hear the Tasmanians are the shit ;) I was wondering if you knew anything about growing under a flourescent light, also I hear you need a fast draining soil any suggestion or do you just use normal potting soil. Hope to hear from you soon
    Hi i live in el paso texas, i just received some poppies i ordered and i need help on info on how to grow them, i have read your post but i want to grow outside. Will it be ok to plant now, since it almost summer and its gonna be warm weather? I would really apreciate your help, you can email me at [email protected] or thru here i guess, thanks
    Are you still around to give me some much needed advice on my poppy grow? I would greatly accept any more info on the topic.
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