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  • Thanks for the info. If only I had been more patient or just aware that I could not have purchased today anyway. I am confused as to why exactly there would be different variations of "Certified mail" that could effect your temporary paperwork. I guess my only question is why I would be able to choose certified mail from a list of options, pay for it and get a receipt but that the receipt isn't sufficient proof of mailing. Is the type of certified mail where the postal employee stamps the green receipt a different certified mail service? I'd be surprised if this is the first time this has happened to someone
    I'm afraid you will need to wait for your red card to arrive in the mail. In the meantime your stuck with recreational centers and the associated fees. The usps green return receipt paper gets stamped by the postoffice. If audited the MMC would be in violation if they don't have every I dotted and t crossed on patient paperwork. I doubt any would be willing to take that risk.
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