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  • i checked the resources to find the established member thing, (to activate messages) but it says i don't have permission to view the full report. Also, i got a peice in the works of a non-canon sidebit for a canon show, is it cool if i throw in a cameo of the Rollitup mascot?
    Hi there, i started an advertising campaign on 6th May. No banner and no info received since? can you please advise?
    Fuma Clothing
    i started one too, did he refund you Or eeven contact you?
    Herbies Seeds
    no, no contact, nothing... i tried to chase but no response... not amused, but glad we only signed up for the month now and not longer
    We have an advertising campaign that started yesterday, ran for a few hours and then apparently ceased. Any idea why this is or how we rectify it? It generated around 10 clicks and then stopped.
    I was wondering if there is a way to re-activate my old account. When I first started growing about 4 years ago I signed up under the screen name "icemud". I started doing a grow journal and got freaked out by putting my grow online. I tried to find a way to delete my account but couldn't so I found out that in the forum rules you have to be 18 to be a member.
    you should have your old account back now
    Is there any way to merge the 2 accounts into 1? Now that I have started journaling with my new account?
    no sorry, which one do you wanna use?
    I was wondering if there is anyway to merge my original account with this one? Im Hammerhead but for some reason I could not gain access to that account. I had not used it for a very long time. I only have 2 emails account tried to reset pass with no success. If this is not possible no worries.
    Hi admin, what do I need to do to deactivate my account? Or if you are able to would you please do so?
    can i get a thread deleted of mine if you can shoot me a pm I will explain as I do not wanna ruin a good thing for us
    OK so if i get a rollitup tattoo I get 100 trphy point. I 'll do it but can I just tattoo the little dude (mascot) and get my trophy pts. And do I just post the pic in a forum?
    Yup the little dude is fine :)
    That's cool. When I saw it I was thinking that would be a cool tat, then I read yall are just handing out 100 pts for it. BTW how many people have done it? I really would like to be the 1st.
    a few years back, one guy did it as far as I can recall.
    hi i just went to resources and it said "You do not have permission to view the full content of this resource. " so what can i do ?
    how do i send messages now ?????????????? i cant seen to find a way to start a new one am i missing something ??????????
    You need to become an established member, please visit the resources section.
    hello admin, I have not been able to upload pics since the new forum layout. the pics upload say 100% but then don't show on my post. also I get error msgs when uploading more than one. I tried to post in the support section but just found I can not start threads either it says -the flowing error-"please enter a valid msg" for the thread name part? wondering if anyone could help or had any ideas? thanks boss. :)
    Pleas excuse the intrusion, are we gonna have social clubs or groups with the new ..?
    many thanks "V"
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