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  • Yo homie just logged in for the first time in a minute. I remember you sent me some strains you crossed. How things been bro? Finally legalized where I’m from but to get back to growing. Hope all is well.
    I've been good man, haven't grown in quite a while unfortunately. Funnily enough I was actually taking a trip down memory lane today haha. I still got my seeds, I actually opened them up for the first time in years earlier. Its good to hear from you, and others throughout the years as i've been skinning through my old threads
    What a coincidence, SICC I was just doing the same thing myself a few days ago. Unfortunately where im at there is no legislation still. some odd years later.... skimming my threads and others is deff the trip down memory lane, good times on Rollitup.
    Dude! I logged on for the first time in like a decade. Just wanted to show some love. You gave me support and advice when most wouldn't. I am a complete stranger but in 2009 you helped me more than you probably know. Honestly, if it wasn't for you and your respect and advice, I wouldn't be where I am today.
    Thanks for being cool to strangers and sharing your knowledge!
    Same here, it's been quite a while since i have checked into here. I'm glad I was able to help you out!
    Neem oil is I deal for mites you should of sprayed your plants before Budding in you Don't use that use nematodes live insects that feed off them wont hurt your plants look the up on what pest you have.
    Hope it helped dude good look
    Hi I could use some advice I had a mite problem and have used a product called yates super shield (was reccommended to me for mites) which contains 4.4g/litre myclobutanil and 9.6g/litre tau-fluvalinate. Now I'm having problems with the top of the buds which are turning brown and leaves turning yellow. They are currently in the 6th week of flowering.
    Why would you spray anything on your flowers....Let alone things you can't even pronounce. Those buds are unsmokable to most now.
    Veg.Room.4-fluo. T-8shoplights,2-bulbs each.Using Philips/daylight2,850-bulbs total 22,800-lumens.A total 128-watts.
    (Yes,not constant at thoes lum. the whole grow.)What kind of area can I cover with this?better too run 8-shoplights?Or240-v a 400Mh for veg. room.digitalbal.I know H.I.D.isgreat4plants.Save power cost. 8x8 room size. Or run 400Mh w/2-Fluo. as underlighting/sidelighting?
    I am a hospice RN. I am looking for high quality strains, organic. Is 420seeds reliable? Once you get someone to respond. Do you know a reputable source. Not first time grower. Thanks for any advice!
    Hey SICC, I don't know if you would still remember me, from back in 2009? I was banned from the site for being underage, but I have to say you were a big inspiration to where I am now. I took a step back, and figured out my priorities before stepping back into growing. Even though I was nothing to be proud of as a micro grower, you still were there on my journal, aiding me in every step. Now after 4 years of growing in soil, I took the leap of faith into hydroponics, and I have been so successful. Every time I think back to the people who have made me into the grower I am today, you always come up bro. So I made this account to say thanks for all the help you provided me 4 years ago ;)

    I am now on a different forum,(420) and have been documenting my grow. you are welcome to have a look, and see what your time and effort in me has produced!

    Oh yeah Im posting again untill nov-2-2012. Never had a male! need pollen. new updates!--lost hushmail--new dog. and ill think of more whats up hommie!!
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