*LEAVE Appointment*
One WEEK LATER you call back and say to nurse ''can you write a note to the doctor, and say that pain is same and medicine is not working, and you would like to come in for anther appointment.
REPEAT all the the complaining-
This time saw you would like something stronger, and can you prescribe me physical therapy.(he will because this get you off his back, and NOW YOUR READY TO GO!!!!
Total: 2 appointments, and muscle relaxers with physical therapy --THATS ALL YOU NEED
Get all paper work form DR office, Fax or send out to MAMA's Clinic--In one week they will call you and say 'we would like to schedual you for an interview'(THEN YOU'RE 100% to get it!), or 'you paper work needs a little more'(and you get another DR appointmet till they say okay'
This is all that I did, took me 29 days from first appointment!
The hardest part is getting off your ass and doing it.