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  • hI,
    I'm interested to learn more in the topic of tissue culture taken off Autoflowers & how to keep the genetic in ”suspended” time
    This guy hasn’t been active here in a few years dude. There are a few others playing with tissue cultures who are, just search around.
    I posted a picture that was taken on day 36. It looks like she is starting to pre-flower. My question: When do i switch to the bloom food and the red lights? appreciate any help. Thanks
    Thanks man!! So I'm running Heavyweight fast&vast.. Have u ran these and if so any info u could offer up would be greatly appreciated..
    no but there is a fast and vast / kc45 thread in the top couple pages of the auto sub- forum he just chopped in the last week or so
    Hey bro, someone said u run auto's so my question is, should I top or not?

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    Reactions: tekdc911
    honestly its strain dependent ...... i was topping long before I was told i shouldnt , but i was also doing due to height restrictions .... its your call , honestly now all i do is LST them and let them do their thing ..... but have topped many auto's some respond well others not so much
    Hey man. I'm the guy that had the birdshot afghan kush Ryder. I applied 1 tbsp of lime to the soil and watered. It seems to be looking better! Thanks for the advice. How many days before you normally harvest your akr's???I don't have a strong magnifying glass. Thanks man
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    Reactions: tekdc911
    hell i dunno .. 10 + weeks ( i go by the plant )
    8 if im in a bind but at a prolly 50% loss of yield
    the last few weeks the bud doesnt really change much in appearance but just keeps getting stickier
    Thanks for the advice tek, I hear everything your saying I will lst my newer ones as this one is clearly too far in. (y)
    Hey tek man, my skunk mass is messed up lol. It all the fan leaves are drooping, turning yellow, and crisping up. I feed every 3 days but my ph is fine. Would the soil drying cause these issues with salt buildup? I have pics if need be. I was planning on chopping the 25th instead of sooner because it should be ready by then and I don't want to harvest too soon. I'm waiting on my micro to look at the trichomes heads. Is this normal this close to the end of autos lives?
    This is a Decent Guy ............u can bullshit and shoot the shit with .......but also gives u very helpful advice on grows .............he likes Auto flowers and has run many exps over his time ...IF u got a ? and run into him ask odds are he might know the answer or tell u where to look
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