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  • Hi there! i´d love to build a system like yours, how can I get the blueprints with the measures included?
    He sells a pdf ebook on his website. Google Harvest a pound every three weeks
    Its free Google search it's all in one post download it
    Can a 1k watt mh be too much for one vegging plant? And is the same metal halide enough or too much for flowering?
    Just wanted to leave a friendly thanks. I have been using a system based off your aero design for years now and I get right around the numbers you describe :)
    Nice to hear bro! Keep spreading the love!
    I greatly appreciate the fantastic guide on aero. Is there anywhere you have a more condensed version without all theimpertinent information? If you have ANY other more up to date guides it would be greatly helpful! I inherited responsibilty for more co-op's grow due to the failure of another member. Currently it is pitiful and needs to be remedied ASAP.
    I saw that you really like AK-47 and read what you have to say about it. I would like to try this strain out also, and was wondering what breeder you got the strain you like from. I have to start from seed. Or if you could suggest a breeder to get them from. I will most likely get them from the attitude, but am open to other suppliers that carry the beans from recommended breeders.
    Get Kandy Kush from Reserva Privada. I recommend Attitude Seed Bank.
    Hey stinkbud. I'm starting my first aero set up and I'm gonna be runnin three flower stations in Rubbermaid tubs. I was wondering if one 630 gph pump in the rez would handle all three or if I should get a couple smaller pumps to do the job?
    It depends on how many sprayers you are using. 15 sprayers per 400gph.
    Can u add me and aid me..alota ppl gave wrong info..fd me up..then other talkd shit..but im getn it down..just need info on incoulants uding flora pro pack
    I recommend Botanicare Nutes bro. It's the only way to go.
    Hello. I was curious how your soil grow went? I've been at soil for about 5 years now and I feel I'm pretty dialed in. I use water only for flower, just soil amendments pre mixed. Can't get much easier and you don't have to worry about residual taste or effects. Nothing like clean natural organics. I'm thinking of maybe trying an aero setup to see how it compares I've decided to try your method. But patients know me for my purity in my final product and I don't want to compromise that. I wanted to run Dutch master gold (synthetic easier to maintain?) But I worry about flavor and residual. Or botanicare (but I worry organics in aero might be hard). Any thoughts or advice? If you'd like I can share my soil method with you to see what you think. Your medical patients will love it. I share the same passion as you, wanting to help those in need by providing quality clean medicine. Take care.
    Soil was just too much work! lol Aero is clean and easy. I never wonder what my PPM or PH is. Botanicare nutes taste as good if not better than full organic soil. To each his own bro...
    Hi Stinkbud. Love your thread. If you have time could you please tell me how you avoid root rot in aero. I'm building g a custom set up and want to get it right first time. Cost is no issue so chillers, ups supply etc can and will be bought. Anyway I appreciate your a busy guy so if you don't have the time then no worries. Cheers mate.
    Keep your room below 78 degrees and use a timer on your water pump. Water should stay under 68 if your res is big enough. If not you need a bigger res or a chiller.
    With your Aero Cloner how do you purpose some1 start off with seeds instead of cloning cuttings as you talked about?
    Start the seeds in a wet paper towel. After they pop put them in a starter cube an into the veg unit. As soon as you get a nice size tap root put the seedling into a collar and away you go.
    Thank you for your excellent thread in re hydro.

    Many questions I had are now answered, and I look forward to applying your approach for veggies, herbs, and....well....HERBS as well.

    Best to you and yours.
    Hello, I begin a project and looking for a person (mentor) who is with me all the time and help me with information? This is my first hydroponics. If you want to help me please write me an email [email protected]
    Thanks in advance!
    I need a lil help with cloning stink... I have no idea on where to cut or nothing... can u give me the step by step process? pictures would be very helpful? I really need to know where do I cut?
    Dear Mr. StinkBud,

    Thank you for your posts. I built a couple of your cloning systems. Do you utilize a lid during cloning with this technique, or sans lid (clear plastic cover with ventilation)?
    Hello Stinkbud

    Tell me how can i buy your DVD ? I went to stinkbuddies and tried to buy it there, but when i clicked "add to cart" the page poped-up with an error. I tried to cantact with them but they don't reply. so what can we do with this ?
    yooo stinkbud!! new to growing indoors. but i have a question whats the appropriate time to veg a plant and if near the end of that stage do you wait for it to show sex which is pre-flower right? or induce the 12/12hr on and off cycle to show the sex of the plants...ive read to wait after it preflowers to switch to 12/12hr on off cycle or stress may be caused and hermies are created but then i also read to switch to flowering cycle helps to induce sexing....i dont know, your help is greatly appreciated if possible.
    I am new to this whole thing but I am definately going aeroponics since reading your instruction forum. I am wondering if you could PM me becasue for some reason it will not allow me to PM anyone at this point...
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