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  • Hey Doublejj I would be interested in some cherry pie aswell if u have a few extra...thanks
    doublejj, I am so sorry it has talkin me so long to get back to you. My email is aanytime2@gmail . My name is Kathy
    Yeah definitely no sun...just wanted to make sure they will dry before the sun does hit them in the morning. Ide have to get out there at dawn
    Do you spray in the evening or morning? Will they get burnt if I spray early in the morning?
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    try to spray when the sun is off the plants...morning or evening
    I saw your pics of your carport grow I'm impressed, good job. I'm in Seattle my question is, how often do you nute your plants and what is your ppm's?
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    I fertilize with maxsea once a week....ppm's? IDK?
    JJ- you've posted a few youtube clips right? I'm always looking for new outdoor videos. Do you have issues with bud rot since your plants are so large? Thanks in advance..
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    yes I have posted a few videos. No bud rot due to large plants, but really thick buds are prone to it....
    Hey JJ. Ive followed your threads a few times, and you appear to be consistently killing it. Just wanted to drop a line, introduce myself and say that I am impressed. Hope all is well in your world. I'd love to chat about outdoor strategies as I am strictly an indoor grower, looking to get into using mother earth instead of electricity :/ Anyway - Peace PK
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    Thank you, you should try to make it to one of the BBQ's.....
    that would be a lot of fun! I wanted to come to the last one, but missed out completely. I was attempting to arrange an RIU meet up in Portland as well, or maybe southern Oregon near Grants Pass. The idea just never really left the drawing board. Somehow the motivation was lost... ;) Well, when is the next BBQ? The weather is just starting to get nice out!
    After harvest...Dec.
    Hey whats up bro. I found a post in which you stated that you purchased the trim reaper pro. I was wondering how did you end up liking it because I was thinking about purchasing one also.
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    Yes it works well for what it is.....we still use it
    Hi JJ. I see that you use MaxSea and I know you're quite competent so I hope you don't mind the message. Do you reuse your soil? And if so how do you amend? I'm on a pretty rugged mountain side and carrying bags of soil gets to be quite labor full. Thanks for any suggestions.
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    Reactions: doublejj
    Yes I reuse soil, add a little all organic fertilizer and some dolomite. A little Myrocarze "?"sp.....will recharge it...good luck
    I noticed a post from you on Supercritical Fluid Extraction (SFE). You mentioned you purchased a rig that can process a 1/2 lb of material. Do you still have the rig? How did/does it perform? Can you hook me up with where I can purchase one and what a fair price would be?
    d'day mate, how ya goimg. mate was just wondering what strain the girls are in the photo from the aussie growing season thread, thier bloody beauties mate.looks like ya woulda done alright with them.ive tried to pm ya mate but im a dumb arse. goodonya mate burt.
    You'd make a great neighbor! Enjoying your past reports quite a bit. So hard to find got greenhouse information. Best wishes on your pursuits.
    hey man i saw a post from you about drying in trees? im in the NE and am worried about mold but i figure since its so high up in the air it would be okay? You definitely seem like you know what youre talking about. Thanks man
    I think it might be too soon bro, it's all dictated by the insurance company....but, the test cost money, so they tend to only use them if they have too, or it's mandated by the contract. I hate to say it, but I would wait until you pass probation..........then come to the BBQ & smoke out!.....good luck, be safe
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