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  • Hi my friend,I can't believe JV is gonna come here and help me in person! Now if I could just meet you I'd be in heaven! My 2 mentors here to help, sheer heaven! Do you know if when u start a conversation on here its private? Don't wanna give my address to the world!
    From what I can tell if you put it here everyone can see it. If you send him a private message no one but him will be able to see it.
    Hi ABM its Fade! My phone crashed and I can't get on the forum with my laptop. It keeps saying incorrect password even after I reset it??? Thanks so much for checking on mrfriend, it means a lot to me. Everything good in yr world?
    Glad you got back up and running. Everything is going well here. Just chugging along till harvest. Had to spray for worms today though. UGH>>>.
    Hi bud, I wanted to thank u for all the help and support you've given me. We seemed to click right off and I truly respect your opinion, knowledge, and experience above anyones. Thank u for following me and helping this community like u do.
    Anytime! Like I said that's what we are all here for! To learn and pass on that knowledge so that we all can enjoy this plant!
    Thank you once again for helping me. I was stunned when they got so dry so quickly. I know they're needing more just didn't expect it so fast. But its a good thing ;)
    Hi, sorry to bother you, I just felt my girls and they're really dry and I just fed yesterday. Ive never felt them thus dry especially the day after feeding. I normally would water tomorrow but think I should give them some now. What do u think? I need your help friend.
    Yeah go ahead and give them a drink when you think they need it now. They are drinking more now than ever now that they are flowering. :)
    Hi ABM, I put a couple of pics on my thread. Would u mind looking at them please? I'm not sure if there's a problem. Should I start a new thread or just keep using the old one? You're the only person that responds to me, u poor guy. I so appreciate all your help. Thank you very much.
    wats up bro, long time lurker have seen your many post. i am moving to the sac area in about a week, live in tx now. would love to be able to talk with someone when i get there.
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    Reactions: angryblackman
    Meeting up in the near future may be tough with my schedule and harvest looming but you can always shoot me a message on the forum if you need assistance finding stuff out here or need a good place for a recommendation for meds. :)
    Ok awsome, well I'm ready to go get my card, don't have my CA if yet will have to wait to Monday, have friends in Oakland that say I'm good with a tx I'd and my lease, but wouldn't mind saving the drive. Also all my medical records are filed at my last doctor in tx
    I don't know if any of the dispensaries in Sac will accept it if you don't have ID so you may have to do the drive to get some meds in the meantime. Welcome to the area!
    Hi, I just figured out how to send u a personal message! I wanted to say THANK YOU, for ALL the helpful advice and following an old thread. You seem VERY kind and have FANTASTIC advice. Wish you lived close to be my personal mentor.
    Thank you very much and I am happy to help with what I can. What area are you in?
    Hey, there I have been hunting for the.cherry pie dark pheno(the one that a.dark cherry color) and the GG#4. Are you in Socal/Norcal???
    I am in Central Cal Sac area. The Cherry Pie that I have is a cut from Garden Boss himself and I got the GG#4 from Granpapy. I don't know the legitimacy of the GG#4 but the Cherry pie is nice. Not sure if it's the dark pheno however.
    I sent you a package of breeders boutique goodies from DST yesterday should be there today or tomorrow.
    Awesome!! Thanks for helping. This should be just in time for the BBQ! Hopefully the goodies that he sent make it as well. Much appreciated!
    What's up bro? Been a long minute. I gave up posting and lurking the threads. Hit me back. I have some very nice strains going again.
    I have a small tent right now. I need to upgrade to a bigger one soon. I'll probably going to run a 400W and a 600W in there.
    Nice bro. I'm sill in my same box. I upgraded to a 1000w dimmable goes down to 600. Got it on a trade. Running my 1st grow with it now.
    Yeah man I will have to swing by one of these days and see what you got going and smoke a blunt or 3. :)
    What's up bro been a minute. Been staying low key hate that you can't like pictures or anything. Way too boring for me lol.
    LOL Awesome! I am glad that you were able to take something from that. As far as lights I went to Wal-Mart and Target and bought a ton of 26watt CFL's and went to Lowes and Home Depot and bought the socket splitters. The ventilation is something that I needed to improve. If I could do it all over again I would have bought a couple of inline booster fans to exhaust the box and went with only a few plants each run.. Other than that it was a nice little beginner setup. :) If you have a little cash you can pick up a tent from Amazon fairly cheap as well. I have a 5x4x2 tent from them for under $100. :)
    Wow your first CFL thread was the one i've been looking at, and it's absolutely inspiring!
    i've been going through craigslist looking for a cabinet of the sort to transform!
    i plan on trying to get that up within the month, and i'll probably stick to this even with the next season, although i will absolutely re attempt an outdoor grow- something about them is so appealing to me.

    And where did you get your lights/ventilation at? i noticed you said you spent around $100 for the whole setup, including clones. (i can get cheap clones, its the setup im worried about my pockets)
    and that just sounds like jack russels in general haha, mines a total bitch, but can be cute and sweet when looking for food, or there's company
    Alright, so as for next season (i'm in Los Angeles) i would have to purchase the clones and seeds around mid march next year huh? so far :cry:
    Unless i can get my hands on a mother in the next couple of days.

    I han't fed them anything, i've just been watering and giving them lots of attention! and questioning them as to why they wouldn't get any bigger haha, im guessing that's because all growth went into flowering .

    i guess this was my naive/newbie/foolish "if i water it and give it sun i'll get potent bud right?" attempt haha. wish i had researched more, could have a nice harvest coming up!!

    I guess i'll be looking into an indoor grow room, i'm too impatient for all this waiting on the right seasons...
    Hey man, Just wanted to say thanks for being understanding of my newbieness, and thanks for being so helpful. I think i'll be starting fresh next season with seeds as opposed to clones. With the plants i have now, i guess i'll let them flower as much as i can and then harvest.

    Do you prefer indoor or outdoor? i'm debating starting a growroom, the outdoor growing is very dependent on the season, and i want to get started/see results.

    any tips for the two failures i have going now? (just how to get the most out of them and how i'll know when to harvest them, it's hard to tell as they dont look like the beautiful mothers i see everyone harvesting on here)


    p.s. couldn't help but notice the comment below "how is rosie your jack russel" i have a jack russel named daisy :bigjoint:
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