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  • Hey chemist. I read the whole "chemist77 315 watt CDL grow" thread. Im interested in the 315 watt CDL from That thread is two years old now and QB are supposedly better than cobs, i dont know maybe i should ask ttystikk. I havent made enough posts yet. I want to buy a 300w cdl or a qb from HLG but I need advice first. Anyway I hope I am blessed with a moment of your time!LOL
    High Chemist!!! Thanks for the like. I was wondering why cant I find a "like" button to like someone else's post? Thanks buddy.
    after every post on the bottom right it sais like, dislike, click on like if u like something sombody sais
    hay 77. how goes it. have you seen the post i sent you when you were fighting with that guy. let me know i was trying to get some info and followed you from that post.
    not sure which fight? lots of arguements here but good info from good people too.any info u need ill help if i can,,grow well
    Hello Chemist! I am new to the RIU but have been growing since the early 90's. I was reading the thread about HPS vs. 315cmh and saw your comments. I saw you are in da U.P. as well. I am up in the Keweenaw and just wanted to say hello.
    nice to know fellow growers in da area,,im between lake gogebic and lake superior.. a legal care giver,, very few of us around here..grow well.
    im so happy i switched to ceramics after using hps/mh for 20+ years best gram per watts ever
    Silver Squirrel
    Silver Squirrel
    Yeah I am a legal caregiver too. Yeah I am thinking of doing a flower room with some cmh I have been hearing good results with them,but I am also thinking hard on a DIY CXB3590 setup.hmm maybe a combination of both might be nice, using the CMH for the finishing along with some UVB bulbs.
    Howdy Chemist I recall you saying that you use tiresias mist, used it this grow on a few plants and am wondering in your experience how much is needed to produce seed? How many consecutive days/weeks do you spray the branches and how many sprays per branch? It says on the package to spray the branches/node sites for 2-3 weeks.
    i spay the branch daily till i see flowers forming, usually around 4th week of bloom..not all flowers contain viable pollen thow and i dont know why..
    So you spray the branch daily for four weeks straight? Have all the seeds you've made with it turned out female?
    thats correct, and so far the seeds ive made are feminized,,no herms either thank god
    I need to ask for a favor...
    I'm in need of a picture of a fresh fan leaf on a white background, like my profile pic ( I got that from Google and want a original ). I like your sativa a lot and would appreciate if you could help me.

    Merry Christmas!
    Hey i noticed you have a northern lights box, i just had a quick question, do you have a condensation problem with tempature changes?
    no problems, the room its in is on a controled enviroment.. intakes,exaughst,thermostat.. the bc box has worked great for me,even in my old house in just a regular bedroom.
    thanks so much for the quick reply
    hey this s a weird question but how much did u get your bloombox for thinking of getting 1. i couldnt find the pm button anywhere lol so had to go to ur wall
    i bought a bloombox and a mothership for 7k,,expensive but they paid themselves off in 2 harvests
    I guess I would have to update grow journal then been being lazy which is why plant is suffering . Buds look like they are swelling flushed with water put a heater by plant base to dry out soil. It's is hard to Guage the plants development indica a lot easier to guage. No idea the plants maturity callaxes are not very swollen and the trichomes do not look like have the golf ball on top of the tee lol.
    if buds are swelling, thats a good sign. dont overheat ur medium, and better moist than wet or soaked..dont know what size pots ur in but try feeding from underneith,,put a pan of nutes under the pot as long as the bottom has holes it should suck up water..less chance of mold moisture on top.hopen i help
    is new growth on buds green? or is all yellow? dude ill get u into fn hydro.. how big is ur grow area, and how many plants u want? ill figure u out a cheap set up.. just buy general hydroponics maxi grow, and bloom dry formulas,3.75 inch net pots,an air pump and stones and a medium, 3inch rockwool or hydroton grow rocks..after u say how many plants and space ill give u a container to buy
    Whats up chemist 77 remember me. I ran into problems with overfert on my sativa plant. Barely any good green foliage left . What would the best course of action be. Buds look good but need a good 2 to 3 weeks to be ripe. Any advice would be appreciated . You are the first person that came to mind.
    i would ask dr.who or satieved, they will know better than me, but if uve fixed the problem u should be ok. ive seen some growers actually cut all the leaves off plants 2 weeks before harvest to get more light to the buds. i dont really recomend it but it long as ur bud growth is green and their still bulking up, the last 2 weeks is mainly bulking of the buds anyways..send me a link to your thread
    spear u some picks of these gdp under leds man starting to look pretty damn gooooooooooood
    dont know if you're interested but there was a popular forum called thegrowcorner that recently closed and all the people there are about to relaunch at the new location: its a great community of people. just getting going again.the site certificate will not be up for another few days so just add an exception and bypass it. feel free to register on forum early before the official launch
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