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  • Well I'm back(kinda) Work n Family.. Bean a busy time of late.. Hope you all Good.. S.B. Was a Disaster!!
    Hey up Folks, GreatBranch hows tricks...
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    Reactions: greatbranch
    CC - Yo, mate! I'm still hammering away. I spend most of my time in the World of Hempy thread and with the ScrOG folks these days. I'm still into the LEDs, but don't have the guts to build anything. Very pleased with my Area51 SGS-160, and will probably buy a couple of their RWs. I might try my hand at one of these competitions ONE day. Stay safe!
    Hiya GB, Yeah good to be back, had a fair few life issues, not to mention NO Lappy/PC!! Grr!! SGLP still going strong 2nd Re-Veg coming up...after Harvest..I will pop over into the Hempy/Scrog Thread...Very Int in Scrogging!! atb
    suup bro hows things good a lot people on this comp now
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    Reactions: cc2012
    Cheers for msg Zander, Been mad couple wks..will upload Pics of Amnesia n AK Ryder. Need a new mobile!!
    Well it looks like ALL 5 x KC 45's are going to break the surface Today :-) it will be interesting 2nd time round..atb peeps.
    Well the WWxSkunk#1(Reg) is coming along nicely now, this is the 2nd Re-Veg for me that gone Ok, and the Keeper from 5-6 WWxSkunk#1 Regs
    Well Finally got the PICS off the Damn Phone, will upload from lappy in a bit...
    Will update EVERYTHING I've been up to...Samsara(Fem) Re-Veg still going Strong 121 Days in, and I now have a WWxSkunk#1(Reg) Re-vegging.
    Peeps, I'm back..Had issues with the Lappy I was using, and a Shed Load "Life" Problems!! Came close to losing the Flat a couple of Times.
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