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  • He is quite distraught over being banned from a forum which he eagerly needs the help of. Im not trying to guilt you, but he is a wonderful, caring man who deserves our help. I dont think its fair to deny someone who truely needs the help of others to attempt to live a moderate life after such a horrible combat injury, its just not fair to deny anyone that help...PLEASE!! Any response or help you could offer would be greatly appreciated!!! thank you again...
    He was extremely scared to even join a forum because of his military past, but the pain levels out-weigh the risks now. I dont want to take up all your time with details, but because i still love that man and appreciate the service he did for our country, not to mention that he called me long distance; i figured i would at least ask the head guy/gal why he was banned.
    Hello, i am new to the forum as an actual member but i have been browsing for over a year now and one of my good friends just called me long distance to see if i had joined the forum yet. We talked and talked about it till I finally broke down and joined which is kind of exciting! I was told that you are the person who is in charge of things and that i should talk to you. My friend and i have known each other before he ever joined the stupid military and i can honestly say i would have married that man if he didnt join the service. His screename was MobTies and he said he left to go eat lunch and came back to see that he was banned. He is such a kind man and he has suffered so much from his combat accident which has forced him into seeking help from others on growing his own medicine.
    man i am sorry. i did not realize i was trying to recruit any one to another site.... i want to say that i i am very loyal to RIU and do want to thank you so very much for not taking the action to banning me.. this will not ever happen again and i will no speak of this to any one as i do value being a member on this site... thank you again....
    How safe is that Nirvana site???? Im scared of getting my spot hot. And how long does it take for them to ship?? to the US
    hey i wanted to know if i could use the RIU symbol on a prize i plan on making for a contest im gona start soon. is the logo trade marked? but i can use it if im not making money off it right? i guess i just wanted permission first
    Mr. Rollitup adding me under the elite membership status would be greatly appericated as i already tried contacting you several times.
    Mr. Rollitup, could you please assist me in a user name change without me having to create a new account?
    I beg to differ with the below post. the elitsist attitude is gone and this forum is refreshed and like new again.... users online tell the story... long live RIU and long live fdd2blk!!
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