
Hi Jusalilbetta, You could switch them out for a different spectrum (still using CXB2590) but my experience is that there will be only minor differences. I would rock it like it is. The fan is 120mm 12V. You can find them on Amazon or places like Newegg or other computer parts websites. Cheers
Cxb3590 not the 2590 Lol I'm sure it was a typo. Ok perfect. So it says it's a tasty 300w with 6 cob's and painted fire engine red. Im just curious cuz I can't find any info on it anywhere lol. so say left to right where the plug is what spectrum cobs are they? An I'm using as flower only so I was thinking of using 1750k an 3k chips if I was to replace them out. Just want to say thank you for the reply.
Send me a pic of the label and I can tell you.
I will as soon as the light comes on which was 3hrs ago lol. Just got home I will send you a few pics. I greatly appreciate your time especially about this. I allways like to know what is and isn't going on In my grow. Every single light I've ever own I researched an read reviews watched videos 1,000 times before I buy anything lol. Except this one. I just know its an amazing light so bravo on a great product.
So how do I post a picture lol anyways its a T4-V275 300w driver hlg-320H-C700B that's what the sticker says. Its 6 cobs dimmer with dimmer switch an its fire engine red.
That lamp uses Vero29C (better than CXB) and I was using 3000K 90CRI at the time. I wouldn't bother replacing the cobs. It was built for flowering.
Just get that fan replaced and you should be good. And thanks for the compliments.
@Rahz I lost the dm with the fan replacement info lol. Can I hook me up with the part no# please an thank you
Hi Jusalilbetta,

You're asking about the fan? It's a 120mm 12v DC fan. If you're asking about the cob, please send a pic showing the cob so I can verify it before sending you replacement #
Yes its the fan. There are 2 of them 1 works while the other is dead. The 1 that works is covered in crap so I'll prob replace both. Its sitting on the sidelines right now till it gets fixed. I switched it with a 3k hlg 300wxl so 3 boards 103w a piece. So at least I'm giving them around the same wattage.
I am having an issue removing the fans since they are heavily guarded in the red case with allen/hex head bolts lol. Any tips on easy removal? Or do i have to take the whole case apart? I think I have to because of the but an bolt for the fans grrrr hi lol