noname iznogood
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  • have anybody tried to remove Powdery mildew with Hydrogen peroxide before I have a friend that's in the middle of it right now, however the solution is supposed to be 3 % Hydrogen peroxide and the rest is water, but he is running it now at 15% so I was wondering if it could be harmful for the plants and or maybe somebody out there knows an alternative method ;-)
    heard from a good friend that spray with Milk helped him a lot, hope it helps you
    noname iznogood
    noname iznogood
    anything that can help in the war on PM is appreciated cheers Crowmax ;-)
    Roger A. Shrubber
    Roger A. Shrubber
    it's not even supposed to be 3%, most people use 3% h2o2...after you dilute that, you're probbaly at less than .5%....15% might fuck some stuff up, i'm not sure. i wouldn't be using it
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