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  • yo bro that betty boop did she just start growing by her self or did u use anything? and will she bud like the firs ttime?
    Thanks for the message. The cabinet gets about 8-10 degrees hotter inside than ambient with 160 CFM of ventilation. I can get the plants as close as 6 inches from the bulb without any harm. I imagine a cooltube setup would eliminate any heat problems.
    I see in one of your post you grew thc bomb, did you notice if they were hard to grow?
    Thanks man. I've heard it can work but I'd never seen the results. They are beautfiul plants. I can see why you wanted to keep 'em around.
    I do apologize for never answering your message, I was unaware this even existed. Your grow look great. How did it turn out? I made my own seeds from a bomb mother and either a caramelicious, a crystal or another bomb as the father. I'm growing one bomb again as of this writing. Week one of flowering starts sunday. Peace
    Cheers for the comment, everyone of those plants in that album ended up full of seeds. I was devestated.
    id love to do my own cross be great wat was the smoke like... i hav 2 nycd plants under 250watt hps how much u reakon ill get off them m8 i grew lemon skunk and got 350 wet grams 90 dry grams off 1 plant last time she was 5ft nice smell of refresh lemon was lovely were u from mate im from dublin
    Mr Del sir! how do?
    Just stoppin by for an oi and such , as lately matey iv not been here much.
    can see by the snaps things are as prosperous as always !
    got a couple ladies whove been12/12 from the get go and im pretty pleased so far (so cheers for the wise words)
    i shall now remove the hoover nozzle from ur arse cheek.
    Hope ur enjoyin the weather tho!
    i was wondering if you still have some seeds left from your 800# seed harvest?
    would send you cash if in the u.s. $/seed? thanks
    new pics up if you want a look. im nearly 4 weeks into flowering do the buds look alright?thanks
    yeah it sounds like a good idea. im 2 weeks into flowering now the buds are starting to form in some places. and im feeding it tomato feed at the moment. i have a couple of new pics up if you want a look. any more ideas to what i have to do. much appreciated!
    thanks man. i started flowering a couple days ago i will update pics along the way too. i started feeding it tomato feed aswell to give it a bit more during flowering. should i leave it for 8-10 weeks? as far as i have read 10 weeks is about the longest you can leave it. i want to leave it as long as possable because i only have the one and i want to get the most out of it. do you always use the CO2 thing with your plants
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