sandmonkey Jul 15, 2009 Hey Bob, it's been MONTHS since i've been on RUI. hope all's well. If you're still interested in truth-seeking, Islam, etc. Please checkout my torrents: do checkout Abdullah Hashem's "Antichrist Dajjal" series. A lot more in-depth than The Arrivals! I've also up'd some debates of the late Ahmed Deedat.
Hey Bob, it's been MONTHS since i've been on RUI. hope all's well. If you're still interested in truth-seeking, Islam, etc. Please checkout my torrents: do checkout Abdullah Hashem's "Antichrist Dajjal" series. A lot more in-depth than The Arrivals! I've also up'd some debates of the late Ahmed Deedat.
sandmonkey Feb 25, 2009 damn- videos down AGAIN! you can download here with a BitTorrent application:
damn- videos down AGAIN! you can download here with a BitTorrent application:
sandmonkey Feb 25, 2009 Hey Bob please check this series out: