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  • I had to redo my account on rollitup so they won’t let me dm because I’m “new”. Do you have a ig account so I can ask you a few questions? Thanks I appreciate it.
    How are the tiki cuts doing?
    18 days into flower atm, Don have much for pictures but I'll see what I can find and post to the tiki thread.
    Hey hey buddy!!
    I was reply to one of your posts!!
    I'm in a tricky situation right now .....
    I'm just blooming day 14 ...
    And everything is overgrown
    Do you think I can already defolia today?
    I am worry that is to much stress for them... And gett bad effects in the later flower stage?
    I always defoliate at day 21!!
    Plants are super healthy (praying)
    Would be nice to hear from you
    Greetings from Switzerland
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    Reactions: Apalchen
    Responded in the post, but yes you can take em early, the only bad thing is you might have to take more again later in flower as more grow back the earlier you take them.
    I grew up in Kentucky and the mail was delivered from 40 miles away. I respect your request and would be glad to write a reply, although you might have already gotten one, if I had a bit of time.
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