Translation: new here for questions and advice, you have used seedsman, do they take Visa? If I have to sign for it can I ship it to my office? Any advice?
Not sure about the "selamat ka tu" something about a "welcome" in Indonesian.
I think it's better to purchase via bitcoin. You can get a discount and it wont show on your CC. Most seed banks will use their national courier service to ship and once it reaches Malaysia, Pos Malaysia will mail it to you.
You can even purchase seeds and ship it to one of the mail forwarding services in the US. Then mail it here. I'm just trying it out now actually. Got some seeds from ILGM and got it mailed to the forwarding company. Then purchased a book on Amazon and mailed it to company as well.
Then asked the forwarding company to repack it in one package so that it wont look suspicious and mail it here. Crossing my fingers and hoping it would work.
Few mth bk i bought Nitendo console from US Ebay , mail direct from seller, once reach Pos M they contacted me wanna know item inside and need to pay Tax , they unbox it IN front of me n see look whats inside and i need to provides them receipt of the amount i paid, last last i got charged $$ for tax lo . Finger X yours goes as smooth as baby ass!
Didnt work lah. I used a different forwarding company. The plan was to repack both the seeds and the book from amazon into one package, then ship it out. But the forwarding company noticed the seeds and refuse to ship it here. Well fuck... What a colossal waste of time and money. I think I'll just stick to Seedsman. I really wanted to try ILGM's Gold Leaf strain hence the forwarding company experiment.
Indeed Fuck. And why is so damn hard to buy seeds one oo ....and im trying to check out by using my Visa CC at Seedsman , damn it ! They only accept Mastercard...hmmm waisting time , need to search others seedbank tat accept Visa CC. Celakak ni ! Haiz....can you pls teach me where to buy Bitcoin, i did signup at Coinbase but i still cant but it! Why so hard de !
Check out . I always buy my btc there. Several verifications steps to ensure you are a trusted seller/ buyer but it's not difficult. All local Malaysian sellers and a quick online transfer will get you btc coins real fast. Purchasing seeds with btc is cheaper and more discreet.
Thanks , I will use Luno , to buy Btc , but how to count ya ? My seed cost 147€ , is it I have to use €147 to buy btc , use the BTC I got and pay too Seedsman ?
Finally all paid , Thank you so much for sharing, i followed ur advice use btc to pay not complicated at all, gonna be handy too , can use this payment method in Canada's for online delivery hehehe. And here comes the waiting games..hopefully its goona reach my hand .....oh ya ... Btw i found lots of promo code online that can use for more discount beside paying with btc.
Auto's Indica strains for my self and few high CBD strains for mum , to treat her insomnia, kasian her , sleep only few short hours, so soon ill be a baker too, haha, and hopefully Seedsman Autos genetics good,
Bcoz my last growths not very prefect very low yield , seeds from a greek friend mailed over, 10 autos whitewidow , only 6 good even all same stains but all different taste n 3 Photo Female WW all doesn't germinate , so i decide to buy online this time. [/I]