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  • If you happen to see this, could I possibly pick your brain on Mel Frank's Durban S1's? I got 20 seeds from Todd. Im looking for the Black Licorice Durb. Its really hard to find much info on this. I had access to it back in early 90's. this stuff would peel your cap back if you smoked too much. Im hoping to find something in that vain if possible. Thank you.
    cool, i've been lookin for good indie cut but ended up ordering an waitn, i actually sprouted sum from down in polson from before 9/11, dudes now a pro biker i guess, but one looks interesting, i'm needing sleep and muscle spasms to slow down
    another ? when making super soil how important is the azomite. im still looking but if i cant find up here i'd go without or add something else or add later after ordering or just mix after getting. its my first mix. i've been hydro only and with new beans coming id like to have them in whats familiar to them
    did you paint u pic? Id love to hang that on my wall, love flathead lake, purple and gold still love those colors.....
    looks cool dude. i love montana lived in polson for a lot of my youth. love the pic too looks like sumthing this dude i know down there paints.
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