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  • I recently this year started growing. I had 2 outdoor plants earlier in the year now Im down to 1 outdoor and I got a ghetto CFL indoor setup. I've only been running 1 20watt Im surprised its doing as well as it is lol. Theres deffinitly alot of room for improvment for me but I know the first harvest will never be the best its just for shits n giggles now next season comes the improvement.

    Burnt hahah
    LOL I was just saying seems like forever until they are done...dam, but I know it'll be well worth the wait yeah...I'm thinking by late august...thank god..they just put the compassion centers into law in RI. so they better hurry up and start growin' whooohaaa
    I think i am soon too be single...but ya know irts a;ll good...ooops.... I am not giving up what i enjoy the 1 thing i have left
    My bf says heis embarrassed ...can you believe that...everthing hhi have been threw how dare he!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!its all good caise i feel the best i ever have in my life
    Well it ain't like that they r tryin to,legalize it here in general...but the beauty of it grandgathered in i can still grow legally whhhhooooohaaaa
    Come join i just uploaded pics from new grow half way threw

    yeah it sucks not bein legal here :( gotta sneak around and shit... id love to walk down the street token it up lol
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