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  • I saw your post looking for purple gorilla clones in january.
    A member told you that super kuts had purple gorilla clones going thru hhc oakland.
    It's not true. We (superkuts) bring gorilla grape and grape ape to hhcoak.
    Dude. That shit is LEGENDARY. I grew up smoking that in SC and it is the craziest smelling, looking, stone rock hard nuggets. I had a friend who had some seeds but some pigs ransacked his house and took 'em.

    Is there any way I can get a cut or some seed. I would love to bring back the 10 to my hommies in SC>

    haha, your the third person on this forum to have made a comment like that. i too have seen many dogs very similar to her. must just be the most common genes in the dog world. she is a pit mix, not sure what else, maybe a little lab? but she is the great majority pitbull. she is my weed pic model. i have tons of pics with her and my plants, lol. anyways, take it easy man
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