Stoney McFried
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  • <Picks jaw up from the ground. Quickly re-arranges the furniture in order to properly stow the fresh boner and takes off after Stoney.>
    Uh..............just click on one of the threads in it..your view of it may look different than mine because I started it.
    hey stoney.

    i was invited to the chat room do i get on there?

    i clicked on the "chat room gang" and didn't lknow what do after that.

    I'm cool, dr......

    Mostly, just pm another mod,see if anything can be done.Potroast and Chiceh are pretty laid back...I think Growtech just does the chatroom mostly.Usually, fdd will solve a problem if it comes up;maybe he's busy....

    I just had a situation come up and as the Bubblehead Chief I feel obligated to help as much as I can. That's where you come in. We started a little bubblehead contest and had a stopover that ragged on us and of course some of us came to the defense of our system (not me). We asked him to please go away (asked in a strong way). That got some good growers an infraction by Fdd and I understand you have been though the process. I have pm'd FDD to no avail and was hoping for your help in how to proceed. Thanks in advance.
    I'd say yeah.....just watch them all carefully and pull any hermies.Hopefully,none of the pollen sacks have opened.
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