Dr. Greenhorn
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  • :lol: I uploaded the rest of what I've got to date yesterday, before my "red name tag" expired (can't get it back till after the 1st); I prefer them not to be resized. ;) And it's a lot easier to just upload photos than it is to upload and post a story. :mrgreen:

    Red Rhino only posted that to get on my nerves and/or get me to acknowledge him; I just ignored him. Check his "Get This" thread, and you'll see what I mean. He's a prick! :roll: He's gone; dunno if it's a 10 day ban or permanent, but he's gone for now anyhow! :hump:
    thank you should i put sand or gravel in the bottom of the pot lol i should really thick!
    hi i thought id update you lol the seedlings now have 6 real leaves and seem to be doing really good but now the problem i have is that you can see the roots pressing against the sides of the cup and at the bottom of the cup should i move them to bigger pots now because i cut little holes in the bottom of the plastic cups and im worried they will start to grow out of the holes and damage the roots , anyway hope your well xx
    babe, i checked out the picture in your album. brudda is handsome!! getting a head start with your iphone. i bet he can use it better then you,nah, just stones again.
    lol yeah, I'm thinking about bailing soon... just to take a break perhaps?
    hola doc! yumyumyum what a beautiful it is in central Tx.
    tell me what's new
    i have four and all four have the round leaves and two of the other leaves and can see two more tiny ones coming from the middle
    i need help already lol
    my seedlings are growing fast but 2 or 3 of the leaves are going a little brown on the tips what could be causeing this they are in a large grow box and have light from 7 in the morning till 11 at night with a fan on its roughly 80 in the box all of the time i have been spraying them daily as they get dry quick im a first timer as you can tell lol
    I am completely new to this site and growing...I read a thread and you said this site was the best...so what is the best enviroment for a clone, I have a closet 2ft wide and 5ft long, right now I have 2 florescent lights in there with foil around 7hrd daylight and 5hrs in the closet....its seems to be doing well but one leaf at the bottom is turning yellow, how do i check ph levels?....I have a 600w HPS light, digital ballast soon to set up when it gets to that time

    or how do i navigate to a link that basicaly tells me the steps, unless you can type a billion words a minute.
    Hey, someone's gotta brainstorm! :mrgreen:

    Nah, I never did watch that. I hated Mr. T with a passion when I was a kid, so it didn't interest me. :lol:

    Nightie night.... :hug:
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