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  • Hi yes I did
    Go to medicalmarijuana.ca
    and speak with Chad!
    Good luck!:)
    Here is the DWC/Bubbleponics sub-forum

    DWC=deep water container.
    All you need for DWC is a simple aquarium airpump,
    some air hose and a tub to hold the nutes and the plants.
    The big problem with DWC is keeping the rez temp below 70ºf
    I grow dwc in the winter and keep the room near 65ºf so my rez temp does not exceed 70º
    There are other ways to cope with the temp problem,
    but other than that,
    dwc is awsome and fast way to grow hydro.
    Check out the link above and you should find several examples of dwc in buckets and tubs.
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