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  • For little seed lings you can get a plastic (clear so you can see root growth) and fill it withe some light potting soil. Youll find some in a hardware store. Itll contain some peat moss and vermaculite. This should be good for those little sprouts. While your ther get all your other equipment like lights MH of cfls for vegatation.HPS for flowerin when you turn the lights 12/12. Perlite( add this to your bigger pot when you transplant the seedling for good drainage.) And some more light potting soil mixes. Get a pot the size8x8x8 should be fine for each plant. Fertilizer. NPK ratio (Nitrogen,phoshorus,potassium)of 20-20-20 for vegatation and 8-34-8 or somethin around that for flowerin.
    Here is a step by step method for cloning,its is simple, very consistant (about 95%) and best of all its very cheap. You need a bag of perlite,one of vermiculite,Rootone,and a clear storage box 18L x 10W x 6T,and some “pony pac” containers (thease are cheap container for nursury plants ,you can get them free if you ask what day they throw out the dead plants, and a little bloom formula fertilizer most any brand is OK the count should be about 5-12-8 or somthing like that with high potassium.

    Step 1 – Select a cutting,you want a healthy piece not some scraggly piece of crap,snip it off with a pair of very sharp scissors,at this time mix the perlight and vermiculite at 50/50 mix and add watertill is soft and wet,pack the containers full and firmly pack the medium in.
    Step 2
    Then you neeed to trim the side leaves leaving two top leafs with a small sprout.
    step 3
    soak the stem of the plant in water with just a little fertilizer in it.
    Get a powdered rootin formula. Probably found any where. Just look around.dip the wet stem into the powder (just stem) then poke a hole into the medium making sure it is big enough so the rootin powder wont fall off.
    Step after
    Put into medium and then spray with tthe blooming fomula. Getting them pretty wet. In about two weeks it should be ready to transplant. UP MY REP 2X AND ILL UP YOURS HOPE THIS HELPS.
    Growing from clones means that you will harvest more bud sooner. There is no better way to preserve the quality and integrity of an exceptional marijuana plant, than to make an exact duplicate of it.
    Hey man its early but i decided to take an ex and start my mornin wakin and bakin with up a blunt. Ill be on for a while. If you have any questions. Just holla I will help you ouut 4 sure!!! Dude wakin and bakin is the best way to get your day goin. Peace
    was up im here right now just to let you now some stuff about me. I am 18 and have been growin since 12. I have grown many strains mostly sativa b/c im a up and goin person. I have grown some indicas. I have done pretty much every thing from hydro- cloning. I pretty much an advance grower.
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