The Green Escape

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  • Hey man, hopefully this message finds you. I noticed in one of your pics that you were or are using the CGC-1e made by CAP. How did you like that controller?
    I was looking at the pictures of ur flower room and I noticed that your spinners don't look like they have any hight adjustment. I know the guy that sells these lights and he says that having the light just the right hight off the plant makes for better penitrarion and over all much higher yeild. He uses an infared temp gun on the upper leafs along with a light meter and puts the lights just high enough so that they don't burn the leafs. I guess u can get them pretty close but if you get them to close the plant gets to much light and it stops vertical growth. Do you know anything about this?
    Holy fuck! I just saw the new pics of ur room, that is absolutly beautiful! U really know how to put a room together! Didn't I read somewhere that ur new to growin? So what strain(s) did u go with? Good luck with the n sane Gro man.
    hey bro sorry i didnt get back to you quicker. i couldnt figure out where to find this page. i live in fresno too. The green escape is very new i hope to have a dispensary very soon. my plants are poppin in the veg room this week so hopefully have them under spinners in about 3-5 weeks
    Hey man I'm really interested in seeing how those spinners work out for you. I have been interested in buying one but haven't because I've never seen anyone use em. Also I live in the greater Fresno area, I haven't heard of the green escape is it new? (good name btw) Hope everything works out good for u. Happy growing.
    hey yeah definitely will keep you up to date everything is supposed to be here by the end of the week so i hope to have some greenery in there in about 2 weeks and i'll start a thread so i can update whats goin on and get feedback too cuz im a newb to this but im going all out. look up under current hydroponics im using the 8 setup and 2 of the 16's. its a super killer setup a bit expensive but i've heard so many good things about it. they are extremely customizable as well. check out this link i have a video of the lights running on it they are too cool.
    Hey I am thinking about running the this same setup with rdwc in a scrog. would you mind keeping me updated with your progress and pros and cons of the spinning light setup.

    What DWC setup is that?

    Thanks man
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