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  • Yo i figured out how put pics. Photobucket. But im at the official site. When i upload a pic. It takes the rest of the screen. Only allows 1 photo. Is that u keeping it practical? Or how do i make my photos smaller to add more? Holla at cha byoee..
    ya i tried just two exhausts just two intakes one intake one exhaust i dono i have it right now with two intakes one exhaust i might change it to two exhausts one intake if it will cool the pc down more... we shal see i guess thanks man
    ya i tried just having two fans but it gets way too hot so the third one deff cooled it down some. i was just wondering which one the third fan should be intake or exhaust???? not sure if it will keep it at the same temp, get hotter, or cool down some i dono
    hey man on the comp rules it doesnt say anything about total number of plants you can grow i think that might be why some people keep saying 4 on total plants i dono just a thought. i threw them pics up to check em out peace mate
    ok cool thanks man. i'm going to post up a couple new pics check em out and tell me how you think i have done on my remodeling. look at the first pic then the last one i'am going to post big difference haha. i'm a little proud of myself lol
    sorry if i'm asking a ton of questions i have just been wondering thanks man. sorry if i am being a pain thank you tho.
    well what is the least amount of watts you can grow with if you have any idea??? am i some where in the ok on wattage.
    ok i did some cfl swapping in the house and found a soft white cfl that was 23 watts so now i have a total of 80 watts maybe a little more will this work...
    ok well i have 2 soft white cfl's 3000k and one daylight cfl 5500k it's on 12/12 now i switched it two days ago. should i put it back on 18/6 or leave it 12/12 now??? and what is the least amount of watts it takes to grow one plant???
    are you limiting the grow comp to seed to harvest or are people going to be able to use clones,
    Im very disapointed in how poor my plant is doing with my new aerogarden im still nervous about using this site, do you use a instant message system
    same reason i had to call you out dont post if you dont knw... fact or fiction the thruth comes out when an ignorant mind is reveal... nothing personal there guru...
    hey man i would deff like to know exactly what you did to start/finish this party cup grow... i am just amazed. hit me back man happy growing man
    Hey, so I see you are in Mid Cali, I head down to Tahachapi once and a while

    Is there any good clubs in the area down there worth while to check out?

    Thanks man
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