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  • hey mark, i'm interested in opening up a dispensary in Colorado. I've been doing a lot of research and have some consultation with attorneys lined up. saw your post on the forum and was wondering if we could talk further?
    I would be very interested in working with you as I am an advanced grower and gardener that is moving to Colorado this year. I intend to start some other commercial ventures - but I would love to be the back end supplier for a Dispensery in Co.
    I don't want to deal with selling or manning a shop - but could provide fully aeroponically grown, flawless product for you as the additional income would ease my move into Co. and I have enjoyed many years of cultivation and development of my growing systems.

    Contact me that we might discus possible arrangements to partner in a new venture - also - I have an extensive background in Art Galleries as well, Art History major here. lol

    Hope to hear from you soon.
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