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  • If you ever find pics of that purple rhino I'd be interested in seeing those. I ordered some fem blackberry seeds and the order got highjacked on me. problem with living were I am, ruined my hopes of color of my own. just figured if any one could grow one of those and have it look good it would have been you. Every thing looking good as usual. I will do a post on my thread soon, some other friends have had legal issues from the site. Thanks for everything.
    hello man!

    i see that you are experienced in growing mazari seeds. so my question is how long was your plant at the end? im growing in a small growbox so its very important for me! thanks!
    hey ms, i seen your a stealth guy yourself.I am having problems!!!! after i germinated the seeds a place the taproot down in a small 'pot' ( the planting kind, not smoking). I have been unsucessful in getting them to sprout. I have 4 100w cfl lights, and i have been trying different things out. right now i have 2 of the lights on a 18/6 cycle. I water everyday with no luck. Im going on week 3 trying different seeds and different lights.

    Please help!Any ideas? i have some 6 day old seeds under light now. Im using a m/g soil to prevnet under/over watering as this is my first go at a stealth box. (p.s. i have intake/exhaust fans and the inside is lined. it stays about 78-82 all the time in there.

    Thanks for any help!
    Hey ms. I'm almost sure I read from either your Mazari grow or V12's PC grow about your using canna coco medium? If it is the case and you are using it... How would you rate its performance and how much did you pay for a 50L bag?

    Hey MS greetings. I was hoping you could take a look at this "update #2" on this thread UNK Types but their growing. I believe it to be a nute burn but the other two plants don't show it. Thanks
    Hi ms how are you doing hope your mazari buds are keeping you nice and stoned! I got my second grow journal started. Havnt added any pics yet but will do tomorrow

    i need to know how u made ur closet dude please i idle u right now for haveing the idea pleese send me back bro
    Thanks for asking how I doing mature, still having issues but feel I'm getting closer. here is a link to where I am at now: closet issues???
    Few more pics today of Aggie and the cab. Fed 3ml Bio GROW today in 2 litres of PH'd water, bubbled a usual. I want to keep up the N for a little longer to keep this green condition as long as possible this grow.

    with this N are you refering to growth nutes? because as soon as I went to my 12/12 I started the blooming solution. I was affraid of doing that because of messing with the flowering and not getting a good final product. I might try a 1/2 & 1/2 solution as an experiment on a clone that I did from my mermaphadite to see if that would help keep it green. Any thoughts on it? Thanks
    Hey, im going to get something to check the ph with tomorrow, what water should I be using? and im low on cash so what can i do to lower the PH? im watering them once every 2-3 days with about half a cup of water each. is that enough? the soil looks moist.
    Sorry about the chat on your jurnal. thought it would only be a one item thing. a few beers later and....
    Hey, I read up on your thread where you are growing the NL and its seems VERY routine haha (cant think of a better word). Your grow seems to just go along perfectly at the exact rate you said, and all the while it seems cleaner then most grows I ahve seen. I have a bunch of questions for ya if you wanted to take the time to answer them =P

    I tried to send you a private message but I think I have to be your friend on here in order to do that. So I sent ya a friend request, I look forward to hearing from ya!
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