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  • Hey leorfts
    Nothing fancy, just some basic lst. I bend the top over and tie it down so the sidebranches grow through.
    how do you do that SoG on your album photos? do you bonzai them ? lst ? cut secondary colas ?
    Hey Soohigh
    I use a 2mm polycarbonate sheet to help cooling. The way it's set up means that the lamp is totally separated from the grow with a dedicated intake/exhaust that doesn't require any odour control.
    I've never used it without the fans so I can't really say how much heat it will keep out on its own, but with the fans in place I should be able to vent all the heat the lamp generates. It is for this reason I like to adjust the fans, so in winter I can use some of the heat to keep the growspace warm and in summer I can just vent everything to keep things cooler.
    hey bud checked out your album and dam nice setup bud looking dam nice man!! got one ? i think i saw that you put glass or plexy between your lights and plants... that right?? and how much did that drop your temps??
    Hey Xan, didn't realize you had all 5v fans. Not sure you'll get a 5v supply with enough balls for the job.
    I guess I'd look at those universal laptop power supplies. They output 16-24v and have the power to do the job. If you split the output so it feeds both cases and link all 4 fans yellow to black in each case they should work a treat. You could use the 16v switch to give all the fans 4volts, 20v for 5v each and the 24v setting would run them all at 6v, so you get some adjustability.
    Hey v12,

    I am about to go buy all the stuff I need to revamp my towers. I was going to use the yellow wire trick to get 6vs each outa the 12v adapters. However, I need 4 fans running per unit so I was wonder if I should just cancel that and get a 5v to run all four fans regularly. Because if I do the 6vs /2 fans then I would have to still buy two more 12v adapters for the other tower. Where as if a 5v will run all them at 5vs I will still have to pick up 2x adapters but might be easier.

    Thanks Phase.
    It's a perpetual grow so always 12/12 in the case. A plant gets harvested every 3 or 4 weeks and a new seedling is planted in it's place. That way I am never more than a few weeks from my next harvest and the electric bill is cheap as chips :)
    im very blown away by you PC grow!! you've got alot of girls in there! do you veg at all or are you 12/12?
    I've explained it a few times in a few post and posted a ton of pics.pc case 20/4 all the way.total of 105w cfls.miracle gro moisture control.no nutes besides what's in the soil.small pots 32oz start to finish no transplant.harvested 9 weeks from seed.
    Hey Crazytrain
    I got an all new lineup for 2010. New lights, soil and genetics but I have a few problems I need to iron out before I go public.
    Initial signs are very good so I'll be sure to keep you posted mate. Should have an update in a week or 2.
    You have a couple of grows going on JB. If you want advice on the party cup grow then I'd suggest not holding your breath and staying friendly with your usual contacts.
    hey man i have a pc grow going and i was just wondering if you could take a look at it and tell me what you think what i could do better and what i could fix thanks man happy growing
    Thanks potrick.
    I'm not sure you could use the twin fan thing to flower anything but auto strains. It would be a real challenge to lightproof it. The other looks very promising, similar width to mine but a little deeper and taller. Should be fine.
    Good luck.
    Hey malice. Good to see you m8.
    All is well with me & the grow. Be good to catch up, pm me an update if you get time.
    Hey, I have never grown before but I am blown away by your perpetual pc case grow. I intend to start a pc case myself (or 2 :P ) and I was wondering which case you think would be better. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16811160008 is 25.6" x 8.1" x 21.3" (LxWxH) and the other is http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16811103011 , which is 22.05" x 9.45" x 20.47" (LxWxH). Would the increased width be worth the slightly smaller length and height? I have a gift certificate to that site, so price isn't really an issue. Thanks man.
    Hey fella
    Thanks for the props. Really glad you got something out of the journal.
    The filter is as you describe, cut to size 3/4 inch bigger all around than the fan. Use some string or elastic to hold it snug over the fan. I use a single layer and it's enough to hide the odour and most of the light. Don't try it with very smelly strains though.
    The white tube is a remote temp/humidity probe that sends to an external monitor so I can tell what's going on without opening the door. They are called wireless weather stations and are most useful.
    CFL's do have probs with penetration so sidelighting is very beneficial, but in enclosed grows it could cost more space than it yields in extra growth so it's a tough call wether to use lots of small bulbs or a mofo overhead with plenty of mylar. A single bulb makes wiring easy so that's what swung it for me :)
    Just holler if you think I can help with anything else and let me know if you get a journal started. It would be good to compare notes.
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