Dr. Greenhorn
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  • just watched 'ultimate knockouts 2' and it showed bj KILL a dude! well not kill but i bet he wished he was dead! lmao maybe they'll bring in aoki to fight bj eventually.caise tuff as he may be frankie edgar is going to get destroyed! i thought diego would've presented a bigger challenge to baby jay but.....due is just a whoopass machine! i love it when he licks the blood off his gloves! but i'm sic like that! lol
    i almost started an mma social group for us fans, what u think?
    Thanks for stopping by my thread, I always appreciate when people like what I post.

    I have a lot of those same books on PDF format.

    Happy growing.
    lol yeah you like that huh. dude got a lil testy. i think he could have snuck in some synthetic urine. he just dont got the balls to
    wat up doc! (lol always wanted to imitate bugs!)
    think edgar will even give b.j. a fight in april? i don't. he's head and shouilders above the rest in the lightweight division...wish he'd get one more crack at gsp!
    Sup doc... Jus chillin here in the middle of tx being lazy... Waitin to burn the last of this bubba tonight... have a gud one cuz
    Hey man! So which island are you on? I was planning on goin to Oahu north shore sometime this winter for the swells. I don't know if you surf( I hope so if you live over there) but we should charge some time! Thanks for all the advice and I'll keep ya updated.
    lol, it's cool, I wouldn't set it to do that if I didn't expect to get messages. I didn't realize you hit me up until just now, my phone was on silent.
    Hey there! Thanks for the message, Nice book collection lol. I wish I could show you mine, but it's not alphabetized. I would, but it's hard to keep it that way when they're scattered across my floor heh.
    hey i just thought id let you know that all 6 of my plants turned out male so pissed off
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