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  • I've been hearing that miracle grow will make your plant taste like shit but just makes it look good?
    lol its all good and you will be surprised the little shit that will make you question something so just feel free and ill answer soon as i log in and see it for you :)
    Hi there, You've helped me out a lot and I know I am/will become a pain in the ass trying to tell me everything on what to do, its just that I've searched the forums before for awhile now and I either don't understand or can't find what I want. So, do you think this will work?: plastic pot that wiill fit into the 5 gallon paint buckets so the water can drain into the bucket and I can empty it out and I just read your message about fly overs and CFL's...we have fly overs like crazy out here since quite a few drug dealers have been caught growing in the forest or the swamp area's plus many homes. What wattage CFL should I get and how much would it cost? I am going to start out with one or two plants since I'm having problems just getting information, I am sure I'm making this harder on myself than what it really is but I'll see I guess.
    YES that is exactly what it means.. they can use a infra red scopes and see the rooms with the high output lights in them and it also makes the plants heat up and they can see them too .. that is why alot of these big time growers have to spend thousands of dollars on their cooling equipment so they don't get spotted by flyovers with cfl's you dont get the heat buildup and it don't make the plants shine .. which would you rather do .. wait on your plants to mature .. or wait on your meal at the local jail .. i like my garden .. i run CFL's :)
    HI there, does heat signature mean the cops can see the heat coming off my house? A fellow at the nursery said that it would cost me $18 for the entire year to run CFL's but the grower who works there (really helpful guy) insisted I go with the 400 watt mh then 1000 HPS. Of course if I went that way I will have to run out and spend yet another $250 for the new light and ballast......... Thanks for your advice, I don't think I would mind waiting the extra few weeks.
    what i would do is since you already started your grow with the 400 watts light i'd just continue with it then also bloom with it too then for your next grow if you feel you positively have to run that monster then use it for your bloom cycle and use CFL's for your veg that will allow you for maximum yield
    also make sure your running your big light during daylight hours so the natural heat of the sun will mask alot of your heat signature as well :)
    Hi there, since this is my first time around I am considering what you say about the power bills and sleepless nights lol! What would you recomend if I have stared on a 400 watt mh for veg. What should I use for flowering, I was gonna go with a 1000 watt HPS and now I am freaked right out! Please help! Thx I live in a very small town, don't need any heat!
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