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  • Sure, you have seen Earl's hempy bucket thread, and klemtownmak and kruzty's. But remember to credit your self too. I did one you ended with...... you did that not me. VV
    hey Vic,
    I am going over to take some pictures of the setup today to update my journal. how are those clones supposed to look after a few days? also, do you have any more of the LE that you want to get rid of? -Alex
    Sounds good, I have a really open schedule so any time really works for me too. Are you going to be at hydro world on monday for the free lessons?
    He hasn't been home yet to collect his records.. But when he does we plan on making an appt. at THCF. Will there be any more meetings at HW then? or did the group move to gone wired? I'd really like to get involved, so let me know if you need any help!

    BTW, i was in Hydro World yesterday and Danny thinks that your lost in Amsterdam with no money. He said he was going to send you some, but i told him i figured it was a scam haha. There's been a lot of that identity theft shit going on lately..
    Hey Victor,
    My name is Alex, we had met at the MMMA meeting 2 weeks ago when there was no one there. I wasn't able to make it last week, but what's going on this wednesday?
    yo vic, this is eharmony, i changed comps so I lost my old pass word. I just got an email from you asking for 2500 dollars in england because you lost your wallet. Wtf. Lol, I dont know how they got your or my email, but i am sure it is not really you.?. If it is wtf! lol, cant be. eharmony420. dirt clean.
    If you remember how to get a hold of me, please do so, but not from your hotmail account. There seems to be a problem with that one. Thanks Vic -R
    I guess this must be one of those things I don't understand. I have no idea how this page is supposed to work. It's showing it has been viewed over 5000 times, what gives?? VV
    Northeast USA?????? Man, I could use advice from you! I'm bout to start my 2nd grow
    Been reading on your thread have ? but gonna finish the read first im growing the Bluberry also and having some probs.ty VV
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