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  • Right now, the strains we are growing are Big Bud, Sour Diesel, and Matanuska. All of these strains are very, very good (I'll send you some pictures from the upcoming harvest if you'd like). As far as 2 oz per month, that would be difficult to swing, just because you wouldn't be the only patient, and it would be unfair to the others if you were receiving more than they were. However, I'm in the process of perfecting recipes for other things like tincture, hash, and edibles, and I could give you plenty of those in addition to the actual buds. I'm sure we can figure something out, so let me know what's up!
    hey symbolic. So, I'm up in portland, a quick drive away. I'm looking for new patients, and I grow very good cannabis. As a patient, you get an ounce a month, delivered every 2 months. You also have more or less unlimited access to treats/oil/butter (within reason haha). So, let me know if you're interested in meeting up.
    P.S. I'm in school as well, there aren't many students with medical cards, its good to meet a fellow scholar ;)
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