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  • hey mayne get that grow light, it will work fine for 1 plant in vegitative state, make sure u have a lot of reflection tho, and if u live in a place where u could get them outside after u get them goin good... do so, because the sun would do much better than a 1 fluro,... say if u could get like 30 or 40 $$$, u could get like 4 or 5 fluro's, and make sure u get the right spectrums for flowering tho too. ebay has sum cheap shit, get a debit card from walyworld, n u will be set
    yeah, I've got some more bad news for you too, you need to be 18+ to visit the site and the monitors will not look the other way, they will ban you for sure, its a legal thing i think. I'm not gonna report you or nothing but thats the truth . sorry
    ama explain to you my story im 15 parents think school project to grow a plant all i could get was this plant growing light and i got some normal light bulbs thats all got some growing outdoors i cant invest anymore money so im screwed right?
    You need to get better lighting, them things are worthless. how much money do you have to invest and how big of an area? a 400w hps will run ya about 100-150 dollars and is what i reccomend.
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