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  • I've never understood why more people don't get that. :( What you said was spot on, but sadly it will have fallen on all too many deaf ears (or blind eyes in this case)... I know, I've said it myself, only to be told that I'm indeed taking one "side" or the other. :roll: I rarely join in political or religious discussions, because they always turn into Ad Hominem Contests instead of addressing the issues at hand. How can anyone expect me to ponder their stances, and possibly even change my mind based on them, when they're so busy calling people names that they forget to discuss the stances?
    Hi figtree, i see you are interested in reveg, check out my brainstorm regeneration which im am now starting to flower again, i think you will be impressed mate.
    sorry to bother you mate but have you any idea's bout plant probs??? i just posted a new thread called "please help i lost 2 already" and i don't seem to be getting any help, i have looked at the problem page and it aint really helped me! any chance you could take a look???
    thanks 4de
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