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  • hope everything's good. looking forward to seeing some cheesus pics when you get back to your computer :)
    gonna give it another 2 weeks mate will put some seven week flowering pics up thursday
    nice pup, male or female? loyal, smart, affectionate, clownish breed they are they are.
    looking good mate seen your new pics, how old are they now.
    I'm gonna try get sum pics of my babies up 2 weeks old now, however i did have a dilema the otha day.
    My flat footed spaz dog knokd my fav plant over snapping the stem, I tryed to save her by giving her sum upright support but not sure its gonna survive,
    what are my chances you rekon.
    Uryt mate
    seen your cheese grow, looks really good. How old are they now and when you gonna harvest.
    I've got a cuple of cheesus plants vegging, just wondering if you had any good advice for me,
    I've never even seen a cheesus plant before yours. Ideally I'd like a good review of their smoke smell and flavour, but can't find one anywhere. what you think
    cheers mate
    feel free to message me back
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