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  • just go in and say I would like a npk ratio plant food 20-20-20 or just go to the plant food and look they have different NPK ratios for each brand just ask where is the plant food. NPK ratios should be near the top right part of one side of the box or bottle. usually where the description of ingrediants. remember not a strong as the box says 1/4 strength for a couple of weeks after u start feedin.
    I would give it eigther 18-6 or 20-4 or 24-0 but a plant will benifit from a night period. Go 18-6 for the first few weeks then move to 20-4 or 24-0 for the rest of the flowerin period. Roots move fast for seedlings so I would say once the plant sprouts its first jagged leaves, a nd they get a little bigger than sproutin and is about to spout its next set that is when you transplant make sure u get the whole root ball. The soil should be not too dry or wet usually the day after waterin. If time works out for you.
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