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  • Very nicely said my friend... So use pH 6.0 - 6.5, why so...? Dont they say to try to get as close to pH 5.2, that's the level Marijuana takes in as many different types of Nutrients as it can. I am also doing this all INDOOR under CFL's... Maybe ask your son about that little DWC project he did, because there is a lot that has to be done to a DWC setup... Its definitely not a water and walk away project, there is a lot of things that need to be monitored, changed, moved, clean, take care of... What is his trick then...?
    yes you got it right with the buckets yet I would ph to 6.0 - 6.5 and you could wait up to a month with fox farm on the nutes but I juiced my girls from the 1st moment I moved them into the 5gal. pots from the 1gal. I got them in, (are you outdoor bucket or indoor?) I will say that soil is far more forgiving than any other medium I have worked with. now my son when he was about 17 did a home made DWC with a fish tank two plants and a turtle and surprised the shit out of me with his results. it was my boys 1st grow :-) and he just dropped 5 seeds in and got two fems. they got about 3ft out of the water and yielded about 5oz. without doing any real work on them lmfao and here I sit busting my ass. and as far as the help no prob. bro shit its all about raising the bar so we all get baked better lol
    hey thank you glad you enjoyed the journal I have not done a DWC yet however one of my collectives owners is thinking about try one he is off for the holiday should be back around wens. I will ask what his research has yielded for you. as far as soil I have a couple answers for you. dependent on where you live and soil make up is i.e. mostly silica or clay? then are you thinking of doing in the ground bore drop for plant with amendments or pots? 1st if doing a bore drop you really need to know your ground but I would say as a general bore drop plan, would be 4ft wide from center 4ft deep. then fill 2in. bottom with quarter sized rock or lava, then 4in. pea gravel as your drainage base to the bore. next 6in. to make up the 1st ft. of the hole would be 60% fox farm ocean forest & 40% of your bore dirt (if your ground dirt is good, if not then perilite) then fill rest with fox farm & plant. if in buckets use 10gal. (i am in 5's now and kick myself) with bottom 3in. pea gravel & fox farm.
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