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  • I know I have been questioning the correct pH for growing weed for a long damn time. Everyone I ask just gives ranges ex 6.5-7. I was originally going by 6.8 cause it seemed fairly safe, till I came across the chart below. According to this chart and many like it... the sweet spot is between 6.5-6.6 (meaning at this pH most all nutes can be taken in by the plant. In soil) anything above this it would seem the plant would have a harder time taking in (Iron, Mang, boron, etc...). Since I found this charts like this I have switch to 6.5pH and my plants are responding a bit better getting a bit greener as well.

    Im pretty new to growing still, and thought this might help clear up some pH confusion to other noobs. Its all about the little details in this hobby.

    Just my 2 cents:)
    Hey guys also keep this in mind too little of water is okay to an extent to much water is no good its better to under water your plants then over water your plants less chances of getting root rot. Good rule of thumb stick your middle finger all the way in the soil if it feels moist a little hold off on watering another day cuz the plants roots like to stretch if you let the soil dry out a bit. Also if you want bigger buds get this stuff called black strap molasses start with 1/4 table spoon per litre of water then move up to 1/2 table sppon and then 1 table spoon per litre afterwards. another thing during veg use plant foods with high nitrogen during veg and for flowering use high phroperus and if your using nutes always give your plants 1/4 strength and work your way up there ya guys go you learned the basics of growing there is nothing to it really. remember guys its a fucking weed its almost impossible to kill it.
    No problem guys keep your heads up I asked alot of questions my first grow and I know pretty much anything when it comes to plants not including my plant culivation course LOL!! Hey guys check out my new grow started abit slow cuz I didn't really have nothing for veg but 50watts of cfl's so i decided to put them under the hps and now they have started to pick up big time. Keep looking cuz every week i will have pics and updates on my plants.
    Also man keep this in mind LIGHT HEATS, DARK RELEASE: Why i say this is because during the light period the plant uses its leaves as solar panels and collects the light as its energy. During the dark period the plant releases that energy and with results produces bigger buds and lusher plants.
    Hey man a good rule of thumb for PH is to keep it between 6.0 and 6.8 but if it hits 7.0 everything should still be okay its when your PH raises to 7.5 then you have to start getting worried because high and low PH leads to plant deficencys.

    Plant PPM: Seedlings, Early Sprouts 100 to 250, Early Vegging 300 to 400, Full Vegetation 450 to 700, Early Blooming 750 to 950, Full Mature Blooms 1000 to 1600.

    lighting scedule: with the autoflowering strains you can run your lights for 24 hours Veg to Flower because autoflowering strains are ment to withstand heat and light intensity and flower under any light scedule. my best suggestions for you are to give it some darkness try this scedule 20/4 threw veg and then 18/6 for flowering I can almost garentee you that you will get a larger yield then running it 24/0 throught the hole grow and your plants will be less stressed because it wont have a constant light blasting heat on it.
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