Awesome site, Evo! Be sure to put as one of your clients. BTW, I have another site coming up soon that I would love for you to check out. It's gonna be great! ttyl--- Fred
Awesome blunt Video lol, the way and manner you speak is just like my best friend and all around weedmasta, I was laughin my ass off the whole time its like i was sittin next to him while he was rollin a blunt. Good shit man
lol that guys a dumbass evolalex... u CAN use bottled RO water. just make sure its not the ones that add minerals. also your 400 watt tears up w.e 150 watt lamp hes talking bout. how does it only have 1600 lumens? thats a horrible light lol. your 400 watt has 55000 lumens....... LOL also u can use water from your sink. I do. but make sure your ppm isnt too high if u do use it. mine is 90 so its just about as good as bottled water if not better than some.
you cant use bottled water get sink water and let it sit in the open for 48 hours to redduce its chlorine before watering bottled water has bad chemicals that can and will harm your plants i for a hundred doller you can purchase your self a sun system 150 watt lamp with 1600 lumens and will be a much betterr crop