Donna Murphy
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  • I was joking about the guano.
    Sorry. :)

    I would flower when ever you think its cool.
    You can start plants from seedlings on 12/12 and cut out vegging altogether if you like.
    I flower when the room i have to grow in is at half capacity as the plants can grow bigger(mine grow between 25 to 50 % bigger during flower).
    Another thing i do is drop the light cylcle by an hour a day,18/6,17/7,16/8 e.t.c. i think it shocks them doing it fast and they seem to stop playing for a few days.
    I try to re-create an outside enviroment as much as possible in my little tent.
    really? whats it for?? do you care to share? aw ive noticed that bout advice ive been givin by people i research it all, but as i say i am a newbie to this.. the girls are looking bit better, not flowering yet for another couple of weeks as there different breeds i want them all to be of good height, im giving them 18/6 now.. when do you recommend flowering?
    I know a recipe using Bat Guano! ;)
    I read your last posts on your dying plants.
    Sometimes people here dont have the answers and make some dangerous stabs at it anyways!
    I have just started my 3rd ever indoor grow using coca.
    I used to grow outside in the summer but its so unreliable in the UK.
    The info i get on here at times is ridiculous.
    You might find it better just to spend time trawling through the net and asking questions about plants in general,Orchids,e.t.c.
    i know i did.
    Are you flowering your girls now?
    they were doing great, until today 2 of them were shriveled an dead looking but the rest are fine started a new thread with pics, im dumbfounded but still have hope for my other girls
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