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  • sorry bout ur job! are u still lookin?
    go on a vacation man! :mrgreen:

    sooooo my guy ended up breakin up with me and movin out. on april fools day... hahaahaa!!!!!!!
    i feel fuckin great dude.
    been hittin up "the city" every weekend and meetin some cooo peeps over here.
    ....its kinda growin on me livin here LOL

    tried to send u a message... twas full?
    JACK-WAGON!! lol
    damn thats actually funny u told me that...
    my man told me last night that hes got these feelings he dont know how to explain.. wtf hahah
    hes starting to feel bored i think. he was sayin how he feels like he hasnt been with enough people and all that bullshit.
    hahaha like damn.... 7 year itch n its been almost 4 yrs. tell me what you think
    lol panda! hahahaahahha that made me giggle
    ya im still with my old man. long time. long time
    yes its pretty redneck where we are.... a little too much for my comfort, but fuck what can ya do?
    we got some pretty close places near by where luda and outkast reside!
    pretty dope!
    niggy ive been movin! dont have alotta free time to use the computer anymore.
    just workin and tryin to stay afloat. just bought a new car. 2006 cadillac CTS BLACK!
    how are you... u still with that fine ass girl?
    Hey man, my name is J and i'm originally from the SFV. I moved up to Montana for school, got my greencard and am currently trying to bring the good kushes up here. I have Kandy Kush and am digging the stink...but i'm finding that - as you stated about the RKS - getting the odor/flavor right requires some learning. I flushed for 10 days w/ clear-ex and it STILL WASN'T ENOUGH! So i'm wondering if you can give me some tips on how to get the stink right: esp with the RKS because i'm about to flower that for the first time.

    Also, if your down, i'd like to add ya as a friend since were both kush lovers and we both grow. Have any opinion of the Bubba Kush that Greenhouse has released? Some people have told me not to trust it because they list their chem dawg strain as chem 'dog' and that is because its not actually from the original breeder...other people swear by greenhouse seeds so i'm on the fence. If that bubba is right on, i need it - EVERYONE out here in montana needs it!
    I read ur journals and I am also from So Cal, (LA), and i just moved up to Montana. I'm starting a grow out here and want to bring the Cali Bomb-Buds to the people out here. I too have Kandy Kush - you never gave a smoke report: does it taste kushy or more train-wrecky? Also - i got 6 feminized seeds and there seem to be at least 2 if not 4 phenotypes.

    What do you think the chances of the Reserva PRivada OG are spot on? I'm a KUSH FIEND and there's a couple seed companies offering kush. I also like Greenhouse and plan on order Buba Kush. Do you konw anything about where they're OG mother came from? I have to finish up my first grow journal but it includes: Original Flo (Dj Short), White Widow (clone), NYC Diesel (Dinafem), and Violator Kush (barneys farm) my optimal grow would contain 2 sativas and 2 kush-strains: for now OG from Res Priv and either KK or Bubba from Greenhouse - whichever tastes better. Get back at me and lets swap tips!

    yeah empty ur PM box! ahh fuke it
    im prolly not worthy any way
    everytime i try seeds outta bomb bag weed they are male
    why is that?
    So ur msg bout my closet setup.....I have no windows in my closet but the door is open alot within the 12 hours the light is on b/c it'll get over 80 if not. Fresh air is no problem but that is why I need sumthing to help take sum of the smell away. As for the pics, still trying to figure out how to do that. I have sum on my profile but Idk if anyone can go to my page and see them????? U got pics?
    yeah so what up doggie, sounds like your livin the dream out there in cali
    access to the best
    cali is on another level man
    you guys have the sickest shit on the planet
    i cant help but feel i would be a better person if you come through
    "Now i got 25 beens of the best og kush out.....
    How many do you want ????"
    well if the offer is for real, i just need a few, maybe 3-4, i'm not greedy
    good lookin out
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