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  • hehe i gave up on all that a while ago lol.i just see whether i feel like the plants would be happy in there environment. but thats just me i like to feel at one with my plants. Im not going to say that hasnt ended bad before but i usually get good results its usually when i try something as an experiment things have gone wrong lol..

    in veg they can handle a humidity of up to 90% in the worst case scenario.. during flower should be happy with those numbers. less chance of buds getting mouldy.

    your humidity levels seemed perfect from what you told me though

    the seasons are changing all over the world so maybe thats the cause of your problem. the environment outside can effect the environment inside ;). id be happy about it though if i was you.

    if i was still a technical person id say hose numbers are fairly good.
    What up, Jester! Posted those pics you asked about. I just posted them in the Breeding topic...

    Hey, how bout that PM I sent you? The one I asked you about my humidity problem? It was because my humidity, for some reason, has been holding at 40-45%. It's generally between 50-60%. Should I be worried?
    ummm if the yellowing comes from the outside of the leaf id say theres a good chance its nitrogen deficiency. and that can be quite normal for some plants and easily fixed.. though if its the new growth it could be a molybedum deficiency perhaps.

    could also be nute lock locking out the magnesium by the sounds of it.

    any chance of a pic???? theres a few things that could be causing it really and it all depends on how its effecting the plant really. what are the spots lok like???

    peace out
    Hey you seem to have a lot of posts lets see if you can help me out.....

    Ok the problem i am having is i am growing Early glory but one of my plants is developing yellow spots on its leaves, this then leads to the leaf drying out and then the yellow spreads and the leaf dies...

    Growing Info
    Light - 600w hps
    Growing Medium - promix general growing soil
    Plant age - 4.5 weeks veg
    Nutrient solution- botanicare organic veg
    feading cycle - only feading nutrients when plant shows it needs it an average once every 5-6 days
    ph- water going into soil 7.6 ( i know it is high)
    -water comming out of plant when given a flush 5.6 ( dont understand that)
    if you need any more info dont hesitate to ask.....

    Thanks..... in advance
    Hey Babe..
    Just dropping to say HI!


    I Love You Very Very Very Much.



    THANX JEZ------------
    Ill be the plant whisper when im finished ! LOL.... call me doc ez ! ROFL!
    In the new course i have to *Dissect, draw and label two different flowers. think i should do bud ?? LOL (jk)
    Be intresting response when i turn my paper in..........
    yeah the other world wide accrediteds sound better perhaps i just have to get another job and save lol. itle take a while tho
    HORTICULTURE II BHT102is $700 total....made over afew payments and a yr..... but this look good this course,
    Will probably change one of my other course for this one !

    1. The Groups of Plants ‑ setting a framework for the whole subject.
    To identify plants from a wide range of taxonomic and cultural groups, using a range of
    different techniques.
    2. Use of Plants ‑ plant selection, soils.
    3. Australian Native Plants
    To determine techniques for the growing of native shrubs and trees, including the
    selection, culture and use of different species.
    4. Exotic Ornamental Plants
    To determine techniques for the growing of exotic ornamental shrubs and trees, including
    the selection, culture and use of different species.
    5. Indoor & Tropical Plants
    To determine techniques for the growing of indoor plants, including selection, culture and
    use of different varieties
    6. Bedding Plants
    To determine techniques for the growing of bedding plants, including selection, culture and
    use of different varieties.
    7. Vegetables
    To develop techniques for the growing of edible crop plants, including selection, culture
    and use of vegetables, fruit, berries and nuts (Part A).
    8. Fruits, Nuts & Berries
    9. Herbs
    10. Alternative Growing Techniques ‑ hydroponics, container growing, terrariums.
    To determine appropriate applications for a range of alternative growing methods
    Duration: 100 hours
    * Identify plants from a wide range of taxonomic and cultural groups, using a range of different techniques.
    * Determine techniques for the growing of native shrubs and trees, including the selection, culture and use of different species.
    * Determine techniques for the growing of exotic ornamental shrubs and trees, including the selection, culture and use of different species.
    * Determine techniques for the growing of indoor plants, including selection, culture and use of different varieties.
    * Determine techniques for the growing of bedding plants, including selection, culture and use of different varieties.
    * Develop techniques for the growing of edible crop plants, including selection, culture and use of vegetables, fruit, berries and nuts.
    * Determine appropriate applications for a range of alternative growing methods.
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