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  • its all good man...yeah i deffinetly going to plant a few of them next year if i can find the real Maui? if not maybe i can trade u a few clone for one..yeah i have out doors right now 1 The Black 1 Blue Cheese and 1 purple..
    How's it going I was wondering what strain that was u grew out doors that yielded u the 5+ps.thanks bro
    If u don't mind send me a message with the strain
    Hey I was wondering if you could answer a few of my questions about dispensarys. I would like to know if you sell them some product on consignment & they are taking to long to sell can you take back your bud? Also have you heard of any dispensers taking 8lbs from a grower all off of consignment?
    let me know when your getting to cardiff. i will sort you out mate.. you will like europe, you got to try amsterdam..
    hey whats up man how good are ya with the out door growing scene? This will be my first year just looking for some tips on some new things like soil mixes and such

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