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  • my question is,will the flap be sufficient enough for letting fresh air into the tent? i should point out that the tt150 is so strong its pulling air in tru the flap when i close the whole tent up,its actually sucking the sides of the tent in like a vaacum i guess,is this ok or is there not enough fresh air getting into the plants because the fan is so strong and not giving the air enough time in the room befor it gets sucked tru the extractor fan? i should point out that the she gets a bit of fresh air because its not insullated..
    ok dude im growing in my back garden shed,its a wooden shed that is not insulated,temp varies from day to day.ive got a 600w hps hooked up to 100mm cooltube connected to a tt100 extractor fan via ducting.ive got a tt150 extractor fan connected to a carbon filter via ducting.ive also got an oscillating fan in the tent,ive also got a small opening flap at the bottom of the left side of the tent..ok so im extracting my grow room air tru the carbon filter thats connected to the tt150 and releasing it into the shed(the room the tent is in) im pulling in cool air from outside the shed to cool the tube and releasing it outside the shed.
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