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  • what up man? im from minneswota also. where u at around here? im out in plymouth area, to put it simple. hit me back, [email protected], peace. p.s. you get some damn nice shit or grow, w/e it is haha
    Same, i just started some cali danks the other day, just over a couple inches tall now, and im waitng on some snowy ass sativa as we speak. i think 2 or 3 more weeks to chop
    Lol that's what I'm saying, like at hideaway I see them everywhere, or the watershed people or whatever. Which mall you work at?
    Lol nice, god. I need a dealer like that sometime. My guy got in a fight last night from jacking money from someone. That's what I get to deal with. Lol.
    Lol aww that's gonna bug me now. Man your weed looks so dank. My guy moved on to selling thizzles and xanex.
    woah... you live really close to me... I bet I somehow know you xD lol jk but i wouldn't doubt it..
    Wait like the intel? I live right on the edge of bloomington/Richfield. like 10 minutes from the intel airport area.
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